WKC2024Questions and answers
Click on the question you are interested in to read the corresponding answer.
What is Kendo?
Kendo, from the Japanese KEN “sword” and DO “way”, is a martial discipline that has its roots in the ancient Japanese philosophy of the Samurai, warriors who used the Katana (Tachi), the typical curved blade sword, and armor revised in a modern key.
The practice of Kendo can be carried out by anyone, young or old, men or women, of any height, weight or physical strength and aims at personal improvement, both physically and mentally, promoting health and well-being of the body as well as the psychological one, also reflected in the attitudes of daily life.
What are the World Kendo Championships
The World Kendo Championships, abbreviated WKC, now in its nineteenth edition, are the world’s top competition in the Kendo discipline. They take place every 3 years and host both individual and team competitions, divided between men and women.
The team competition, a representation by nation always divided between male and female with teams made up of 5 elements, provides for individual meetings between the individual components based on their position on the grid. All the competitions, both in the individual form and in the single matches of the team formula, take place in the best of 3 points (Hippon) over a maximum time of 5 minutes, guaranteeing victory to the first of the two contenders who reaches the two valid points (the victory with only one point or the draw in relation to the tournament phase is also foreseen). Finally, in team competitions, in addition to the number of victories in the individual matches, the total points obtained in the event of a draw in the clashes between the various members also count.
Can I attend the WKC even if I have never seen or practiced Kendo?
Certainly, the championships are open to all practitioners, enthusiasts, the simply curious or anyone who wants to see a unique sporting event in the world. The staff present and the “expert” public will be able to help those who are not aware of all the aspects and are attending a meeting for the first time with advice, information and exhaustive explanations.
Participating as a fan guarantees everyone a unique, interesting and fun experience.
Can I become Sponsor of the event?
Sponsorships are possible, contact the dedicated section on the contact page
Where the 19TH WKC takes place
The next World Championships will take place at the Mediolanum Forum in Assago (Milan). All information on the location of the event is available on the dedicated pages of the site
How to reach Milan and the Mediolanum Forum
Milan, located in the north of Italy, is connected to all the main European capitals, easily reachable by road by private vehicle (thanks to the motorway network) or public vehicle (national and international line buses), railway lines and by flights thanks to the three international airports located a few kilometers away.
In the city, numerous metro lines and widespread urban transport allow you to reach the Forum easily, without the need for a private vehicle. The “Green” underground line (or M2 line) reaches directly the Palazzetto which in turn is equipped with numerous car parks, accommodating up to 12,000 people in the stands.
When will the 19TH WKC take place
The event is scheduled from 4 to 7 July 2024
Event calendar
The opening ceremony of the championships is scheduled for 4 July 2024 and, at the end of the competitions, the closing ceremony on 7 July 2024.
The event calendar will be published as soon as it is available, defining both individual and team competition days and the male and female subdivision.
We hope that many of you participate in these moments and follow all the scheduled competitions.
Who will participate in the event?
More than 50 nations from all over the world are expected. Entries are being registered and as soon as they are available, all the information on the participants and nations that will be present at the event will be updated in the appropriate section.
View participants and countries >
Can I also practice the discipline of Kendo?
Kendo is open to all practitioners, the beginning of kendo practice can be done at any time and without any preparation or knowledge of the discipline. Consult the CIK website in the CONTACTS area or ask the federation of your country where you can get in touch with a structure that can introduce you to the practice of Kendo.
Visit the Italian Kendo Confederation website to find the Dojo closest to you >
Where can I buy Tickets for the event?
Tickets are available here:
Where can I stay when i come to Milan?
Milan has various accommodation facilities, some have entered into an agreement with the organization of the event to facilitate the stay of teams and fans.
Is there discount or free entrance for minors?
Yes, the entrance is free for kids under 10 years (accompanied by an adult). Other youngsters under the age of 18 pay normal fee but receive a free Tenugui and catalogue of the WKC.
Is there a Kendo grading during the WKC?
Yes, there will be a Dan grading from 1st to 7th on monday 8th July in a venue next to the arena.
How do I apply for the Dan-grading?
Registration for the Dan-grading is possible for all FIK-members on the EKF-website only.
Is it possible to practice at any Dojo during and prior the WKC?
Yes, CIK will soon release a list of Dojo where anyone may join Keiko after a simple registration.
COVID legislation and restrictions
At the moment there are no regulations on the Italian territory that prevent or limit the presence at events of a sporting nature or of any kind. Consult the Ministry in charge of your country of origin for any restrictions or conditions for visiting Italy as a spectator or participant in the event
Will Gadgets and Merchandising be available?
During the event it will be possible to purchase commemorative gadgets of the event and technical material from various international retailers. It is advisable to book the gadgets by contacting the appropriate section
Merchandising >
For the list of sellers or to become a reseller during the event, contact the appropriate section in the contacts directly
Other questions?
For any doubts or clarifications on the event or anything else, contact the consultancy service in the contact section