Match Results
Men’s Individual

    1. K. Hoshiko (Japan)
    2. K. Matsuzaki (Japan)
    3.  K. Kimura (Japan) / S. Ohira (Japan)

    Fighting Spirit
    Kishikawa (Australia)
    Nibu-Jones (Australia)
    Przewlocki (France)
    Rukas (Great Britain)
    Wright (Great Britain)
    Kim (Republic of Korea)
    Kwon (Republic of Korea)
    Williams (United States of America)

    Click on the RESULTS button to see competition’s bracket

    Match Results
    Women’s Individual

    1. Kondo (Japan)
    2. Suenaga (Japan)
    3. Sato (Japan) / Senoo (Japan)

    Fighting Spirit
    K.Kishikawa (Australia)
    B.Park (Canada)
    S.Guadarrama (France)
    M.Fisher (Great Britain)
    M.J. Cha (Republic of Korea)
    M.J.Kim (Republic of Korea)
    M.J.Shin (Republic of Korea)
    K.Tada (United States of America)

    Click on the RESULTS button to see the details of the competitions (Brackets)

    Match Results
    Women’s Team

    1. Japan 

    2. Korea

    3. Australia

    3. USA

    Click on the RESULTS button to see the details of the competitions (Brackets)

    Match Results
    Men’s Team


    1. Japan 

    2. Korea

    3. France

    3. USA

    Click on the RESULTS button to see the details of the competitions (Brackets)